Art Job International Entertainment
Art agency
русский | english

About us
Let us introduce ourselves!

You are guests of the interesting, ambitious and promising company A.J.I. Entertainment!

The company was founded in 2005. The main members of the company are young and talented specialists each of whom was a professional performer in his past.

Working as performers in different countries of the world we have got various and extensive ties. Having learnt show business from within we discovered that the state of its affairs in our country is in chaos: somebody takes on performers and sends them somewhere, if you have a contract you are lucky, authenticity and legality of such contracts caused only bitter smile … In that time we make the decision to create artistic agency.

The basis of our work is a certain set of important principles such as: reliability, direction of our attention to clients, swiftness and professionalism.

Our aim is to help serious employers and professional performers to find each other…

We endeavouring for you, plainly expanding geography of our offers for Artists and involving new interesting artists for Employers.

Legality, following to Laws of Ukraine and the international arrangements - norm of our work, and certainly, we have The License of the Ministry of Work and Social policy of Ukraine.

Your grandiose project does not have no highlight? Draw in terms, and difficult to find professional artists?

Just call us! You shall get the reliable partner and confidence of work!

You wish to see the world and to get professional experience? Do not know from what to begin, search for a guarantee of safety? Or you already skilled professional also are in searches of the contract better?

Just call us! You will find out about the best and safe contracts the first!

Yours faithfully,
Director of A.J.I. Entertainment Evgeniy Redko.
ВЫ ЕЩЁ ДУМАЕТЕ? А КТО-ТО УЖЕ РАБОТАЕТ И СТРОИТ СВОЮ МЕЧТУ!   ---    Дорогу осилит идущий   ---    Не покинув своих берегов, вы не причалите к новым / Аристотель /   ---    Успех - это состояние души / Ог Мандино /   ---    Невозможно победить, если постоянно бояться поражения / Джон Каленч /   ---    Благодарю Бога за то, что всегда желаю большего, чем могу достать / Микеланджело /
A.J.I. Entertainment Site:
Tel: +38 (067) 7782812
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